Sabbath Interviews
Interview with Jonathan Schorch
Can practicing Sabbath help save the environment? Jonathan Schorsch, Director and Founder of Green Sabbath Project and Professor of Jewish Religious and Intellectual History, Universität Potsdam, thinks so. Listen to his argument as he engages in conversation with Journey Films’ Deryl Davis.
Interview with Susannah Heschel
Susannah Heschel is the daughter of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. An acclaimed author in her own right and a longtime friend of Journey Films, she shares the more mystical side of her father's view of creation and how Sabbath is more than a "cathedral in time." She is in conversation with Journey's Deryl Davis.
Interview with Jenyng Wu
Jenyng Wu is a conversation organizer and facilitator with project SOUL, a nonprofit helping organizations and individuals reconnect to the sacred and what it means for them.
Interview with Brian McLaren
Brian McLaren is a best selling author, popular speaker and a leading figure in the emerging church movement. He is affiliated with the Center for Action and Contemplation. His books include Faith After Doubt and Do I Stay Christian? He is in conversation with Journey's Deryl Davis on the theme of Sabbath.
Interview with Beth Norcross
Deryl Davis interviews Beth Norcross of The Center for Spirituality in Nature on the role of nature in Sabbath.
Interview with Tracy Dennis-Tiwary
Deryl Davis interviews Tracy Dennis-Tiwary on Sabbath and mental health.
Interview with Aliza Kline of OneTable
Journey Films’ Deryl Davis interviews Aliza Kline of OneTable
Interview with Amy Oden
Retreat leader Amy Oden on contemplative practices related to Sabbath
Interview with Tricia Bruce
Martin Doblmeier interviews sociologist Tricia Bruce
Interview with Norman Wirzba
Martin Doblmeier interviews professor and author Norman Wirzba
Interview with Kim Cavallo of Unplug Collective
Kim Cavallo of Unplug Collaborative on taking a Sabbath from technology