Prophetic Voices DVD Set


This Special Collection of 5 award-winning documentary films includes: "BONHOEFFER" - profiling the young German theologian who joined the plots to kill Adolf Hitler; "An American Conscience - The Reinhold Niebuhr Story" about America's great public theologian, "Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story" about the man who became. spiritual mentor to Martin Luther King, Jr and the entire Civil Rights Movement. "Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story" about the Catholic radical and founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, and "Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story" about the man who barely escaped the Holocaust and became a champion for interfaith dialogue and American Civil Rights. Across the series viewers will hear from President Jimmy Carter, Civil Rights icons Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson and John Lewis, writers David Brooks and Barbara Brown Taylor, plus Martin Sheen, Susannah Heschel, theologians Walter Brueggemann and Stanley Hauerwas, historian Taylor Branch and many others.

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